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Monday, December 30, 2013

New Friends | San Miguel de Allende

Date:  Dec 30th, 2013
Overview:  Two nights in San Miguel de Allende
Mileage since leaving Denver:  3,948

Well, I just had a beautiful and sunny ride from SMdA to Morelia where I'll spend the next three nights.  I'm a bit tired and not feeling very inspired to write so I'll cheat a little, keep this short, and just do a photo post this round...  

That's not to say that SMdA wasn't amazing.  The city is absolutely stunning with a vibrant culture, and lively feel in the air.  The historical buildings are stunning, as are the cobblestone streets that run throughout.  There is an art district that some say is one of the best in Mexico.  Also a vibrant nightlife and restaurant scene that keeps things bumping into the night.  

I stayed at Hostal Alcatraz and would HIGHLY recommend it.  It is cheap and the staff at the hotel are incredible.  Shout out to both Rosa and Claudia who treated me very well.  In addition to a nice room, they let me park my bike in their enclosed courtyard,  which was secure and very nice of them.  

First tastes of dirt en route to SMdA
An interesting thing about staying at a hostel is that you are forced into interacting with your roommates.  Turns out, the group of guys in my room were all awesome.  David G. was in med school and spoke fluent Spanish.  A fun loving guy who acted as our tour guide of sorts.  Davide was an Italian guy that has been traveling for some time and plans to end up in Buenos Aires eventually.  Gabriel is a Mexican comedian who is full of life and has one of the most infectious laughs I've ever heard.  Finally, Chinmay is originally from Bombay, but now lives in San Fran obtaining a graduate degree from a prestigious uni in something smart (applied science or something of the sort - can't remember).  Anyway, we all hung out throughout my time in SMdA and had a blast.  

Epic scenery and riding along the way to SMdA
Prior to our split, the five of us had breakfast and Gabriel shared something that really stood out.  He looked at me and said "par llegar a la rosa, hay que tocar las espinas".  That means 'to get to the rose, you must first go through the thorns'.  I'll always remember that and will remember gorgeous San Miguel de Allende and the new friends that I met.  

Update from Morelia soon...  ~ D

Just outside of Xilitla, riding through the clouds
Pulled into SMdA around 3pm and saw this vista of the city
Hostal Alcatraz - THE place to crash in SMdA
Typical street view in SMdA
Wedding ceremony at one of the three main churches

A night out with the boys - David, Gabriel, Chinmay, me, Davide

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